1050 has a lot more low end and pump than the 850, and while it is clearly from the same genetics as the 850, due to its span it doesn’t turn as tight or carry as much speed through its turns as the 850. They compliment eachother very well, but as long as there is enough wind to get up with a 5m or less, I’d typically use the 850 even with small waves. If the wind is sub 13-15 knots, or if conditions are only swell or chop (not waves) the 1050 is a better tool because you get more low end, glide and pump out of it.
The HA40 tail brings more glide to these foils at the expense of turning. 132 tail turns great. 152 brings more low end. I don’t have the 142 and use the HA40, 152 and 132 with both foils.
The weeds thing makes perfect sense. The tubercles definitely hold onto weeds more too.